Die-Cut Badges

Production Time: 10 Working Days
1 $18.02 each
3 $16.71 each
5 $16.71 each
10 $13.45 each
25 $11.75 each
50 $10.59 each
100 $8.35 each
250 $6.65 each
  • No set up fees,color chrarges or die charges
Get more people to know about your brand when you have employees wear these custom name badges! These eye-catching decals come in an array of sizes and are made of durable glossy material that is both water and weather resistant and suitable for outdoor and indoor use. They are available in removable or permanent bubble-free material which allows for easy applications. Customize and personalize to make them uniquely yours. Interest people in more of what you have to offer!

Industry: Education, Corporate Branding,Healthcare, Contruction/Industrial,Hospitality,Events,Entertainment,Hospitality,Travel

Shape: Custom

Additional decoration charges may apply.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
4" W X 2" H